Hygienic and Biological Pest Control Methods


In definition, pest control is the management and regulation of a species member in Kingdom Animalia termed as pests. Pests are ideally a nuisance to the quality of human life as they adversely affect human activities. Pest control response depends on the level of damage and the problem caused by the pests. Various methods are used to control pests such as chemical, cultural, and biological methods, and each practice is appropriate depending on the environment. For instance, in agriculture, soil cultivation, and ploughing before planting mitigate pests’ infestation. Besides, monitoring crops, applying insecticides, and growing pest-resistant crops is helpful in pest management. In homes and urban environments, pests such as rodents, insects, and birds are controlled through physical removals, exclusion, repulsion, and chemical application. Biological methods as well are applicable, such as sterilization programs. Hygienic and organic pest control methods are discussed in this article.

Biological methods

The biological method is an environmentally friendly pest control method, and it includes the use of natural pest predators or enemies or interfering biologically with the pest ability to breed. An example of a biological pest control method is the introduction of dung beetle to break and burry cow dung reducing fly breeding and introduction of Ladybirds and Lacewings to control aphids. This method is used to control pests, such as insects, mites, weeds, and plant diseases. Primarily, it relies on herbivory, parasitism, and predation. Importation, conservation, and augmentation are the necessary pest control strategies executed in this method. Biological control agents involved include predators, parasitoids, fungi, bacteria, pathogens, competitors, oomycetes, and viruses.

The hygienic pest control method

Keeping farms and houses clean is an appropriate way to keep away a few pests. In this method, the following techniques are necessary for keeping away pests:

  • Putting all rubbish in bins
  • Thorough cleanups after every meal by putting all food remains and scrap in bins. Washing and drying cups, glasses, cutlery, plates, and cooking pots immediately after use.
  • Wrapping all food remains and scraps tightly before disposing of them in bins.
  • Keeping all cupboards, benches, floors clean and away from food remains.
  • Regular inspection and cleaning of refrigerators, stoves and all household appliances
  • Keeping all food containers tightly closed with fitting lids.
  • Thoroughly clean toilets and ensuring all cisterns are working correctly.
  • Sealing all leach drains and septic tanks appropriately .
  • Ensuring community rubbish tips are well operated with rubbish buried regularly.
  • Use of fly screens to stop pests’ entering houses and proper sealing of pipe holes.
  • Appropriate use of toilets by flushing toilets after use.

Biological and hygienic pest control methods are the most appropriate and environmental friend methods. Using pesticides should be, therefore, the last option. The use of professional pest control exterminators, like northfultonexterminating.com is recommendable. They provide quick and reliable results compared to DIY. They have experience and high-level skills in the application of the methods and use of the right chemicals besides the fast implementation of extermination plans.

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