Is It Okay to Drink Water from a Water Softener?


Water is an essential part of our daily lives, and the quality of water we consume directly impacts our health. With the increasing concern about water quality, many households in Perth and other parts of Australia are investing in water softener systems. One such popular system is Integraflow, known for its efficiency in water softening Perth. But a question that often arises is, “Is it okay to drink water from a water softener?” This blog post aims to answer that question and shed light on the safety and health implications of consuming softened water.

Understanding Water Softeners

Before delving into whether it’s safe to drink softened water, let’s first understand what a water softener does. A typical water softener system works by removing minerals like calcium and magnesium that cause hardness in the water. The process involves ion-exchange where these hard minerals are replaced with sodium ions. This results in softer water which is less damaging to appliances, reduces soap scum and scale build-up, and can improve the effectiveness of soaps and detergents.

The Integraflow system, one of the leading brands in Perth for water softening, uses this same principle but with advanced technology for more efficient results.

Is Softened Water Safe to Drink?

The primary concern about drinking softened water revolves around its sodium content. Since the process of softening involves replacing hard minerals with sodium ions, softened water naturally contains more sodium than hard or untreated tap water.

However, it’s important to note that the amount of sodium added during the softening process depends on how hard your original tap water was. Generally speaking, even if your tap water is very hard, after being treated by a standard home-based system like Integraflow or other similar systems available in Perth for water softening, it would still only contain a moderate amount of sodium – typically less than what you’d find in an average glass of milk.

For most people, this extra sodium intake is not a health concern. However, for those on a low-sodium diet due to health conditions like high blood pressure or heart disease, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming softened water regularly.

The Taste Factor

Another factor to consider when drinking softened water is the taste. Some people find that softened water tastes slightly salty or different from regular tap water. This is again due to the increased sodium content and reduced mineral content. If you’re particular about the taste of your drinking water, you might want to use a separate tap for drinking and cooking that bypasses the softener system.

Using Water Filters for Drinking Water

If you’re concerned about the sodium content or taste of your softened water, one solution could be using additional water filters for your drinking and cooking water. Water filters can remove not only excess sodium but also other potential contaminants like chlorine, lead, and bacteria.

There are various types of filters available in the market – from pitcher filters and faucet attachments to under-sink systems and whole-house units. Depending on your specific needs and budget, you can choose a suitable filter system.


To sum up, while it’s generally safe for most people to drink water from a water softener, those on low-sodium diets should seek medical advice first. If you’re concerned about the taste or sodium content of softened water, consider installing additional water filters for your drinking and cooking needs.

Water softener systems offered by Integraflow Water Care Perth play an essential role in improving overall household water quality by reducing hardness levels. However, as with any aspect of our health and wellbeing, it’s important to make informed decisions based on individual circumstances when it comes to consuming softened water.

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