Important Things to Consider When Planning a Residential Landscaping Design in Singapore


Important Factors to consider when planning a Residential Landscaping Design

A well designed residential landscape with the exterior of any property makes the first impression on every visitor. A tidy, well-maintained environment is paramount. Here are some of the important things to consider when planning a residential landscaping design in Singapore that is simply a cut above the rest.

Design Principles

When well landscaped, the property surrounding a house would be appealing all four seasons of the year. Incorporating a few simple design principles during the year would offer the landscape harmony, symmetry, and appeal.


The belief that all the elements of the design function in balance is referred to as landscape unity. When the landscape is united, there is a feeling that everything in the landscape is part of a larger image.


In residential landscaping, balance is the perception of equality. If a front yard has many trees, shrubs on one side and a handful on the other, it’s an imbalance. The uneven distribution of materials in the landscape reduces curb appeal because it makes the place look disorganized.


Visual appeal is enhanced by interest. In general, the entrance to the house can be the main focal point in the front yard. To emphasize the significance of the front entrance, carefully picked specimen plants or interesting results may be used.

9 Steps in Planning a Residential Landscaping Design

Step 1: Develop base (plot) plan

A base plan depicts property boundaries, the position of the home, services (both above and below ground). All current plant materials, walks, drives, and topographic features or other attributes of the grounds to be landscaped. While an exact scale is not needed, aim to achieve reasonable proportions.

Step 2: Conduct Site Evaluation

The most critical phase in residential landscaping is site evaluation. Before buying landscaping products, or plan a concept for the home grounds, it is critical to assess what already exists.

Step 3: Determine Family Needs

List some outdoor features that are planned for the area, such as a lawn, parks, play fields, or storage sheds. Sketch them on the base plan as space allows. Some of the features will not be available right away as interests may change, and new features may be introduced.

Step 4: Identify Use Areas

Thinking about developing a residential design may be exhausting, particularly if the property to be landscaped is huge. For this and other causes, it’s a good idea to look for landscaping services near me to make life simpler.

Step 5: Implementing the Final Plan

When creating a landscape design, you do not need to identify particular plant materials before the overall plan is finished. Plants should be labeled as trees, shrubs, ground cover, or flowers, as needed.

Step 6: Framing the House

Starting with the front yard, assuming it as a frame for the house is a popular approach to residential landscaping. Good gardening maintenance services will smoothen sharp corners and angles of the house and make it integrate with natural surroundings.

Step 7: Defining Borders

In several residential properties, the house is located in or near the center of the lot. Wherein the front yard is an open, anonymous patch of grass. This transparency establishes a disjointed relationship between the house and the rest of the lawn.

Step 8: Material Selection and Use

When designing a landscape, two types of materials must be considered:

  • Plant materials (“softscape”)
  • Structural materials (“hardscape”)

Step 9: Landscape Accents

Accent elements (such as specimen plants) serve as focus points or “visual magnets” to attract the viewer’s interest. As such, they should be regarded as embellishments and used sparingly, if at all.

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